Tobi Alade
Hello, I am Tobi! I am CS student at Cornell with a strong interest in Robotics and Machine Learning.
This website focuses on systems level design and implementation of fast and dynamic autonomous robots. I will design and build a fast autonomous car, explore dynamic behaviors, sensors, and reactive control on an embedded processor. Afterwards I will implement dynamic obstacle avoidance using a vision based system.
Our initial step will be to establish an effective communication framework for our robot.
The following tasks ensure a proper communication setup:
The "ECHO" command sends a string value 'value' to the Artemis, which in turn sends back the response "Robot says -> 'value'". I implemented this feature by adding an extra case in the Arduino file and calling it in the Jupyter Notebook. The implementation code is provided below.
The notification handler's function is to receive the value of any string characteristics from the Artemis board. I implemented three different handlers for the following functions. The corresponding code is provided below.
The "GET_TIME_MILLIS" command retrieves the current time and prompts
the robot to reply in the format "T:current_time" on the string characteristic. I
accomplished this by adding an additional case in both the Arduino file and the
Jupyter Notebook. The implementation code and an image of the output are provided
While the Artemis chip is certainly impressive, it has significant limitations regarding the volume of data it can handle. Consider, for instance, storing 5 seconds of 16-bit values taken at 150Hz, equivalent to 2400 bits every second. The Artemis only contains 384kb of RAM, equivalent to 3072000 bits. This means we can only send 256 of these 5-second groups, which isn't much! Therefore, devising a creative solution to address this limitation when sending data to and from the device is something I will need to handle.
This part included completing the following tasks:
Our ToF sensor allows for 3 different modes for short, medium, and long
respectively. I decided to use short distance mode as the purpose of our robot is to
do stunts and it cares most about what is immidaitely around it. While medium and
long distance mode would provide support for seeing objects farther away, it
suffers in lit enviornments. Since we dont really need much range but that lab is a
lit enviornment, this furthers my resolve to go with short range senseing. The max
range I was able to get with this mode was 1932 mm by pointing my ToF sensor to a
white wall and slowly walking away.
Since I did not have a tape measure on me, I utilized my ipad as a
measuring tape and setup my tests by measuring the distance to a wall using the ToF
sensors and comparing the results to my measurements with the iPad. I started off
about 50mm from the wall and moved back untill I reached 200mm
I utilized the default code and analzed the measurements after. Overall
my measurements were very percise and any error in my graph can probably be
explained by human error (non perfect intervals of measurement). On the X axis I
have the actual distance (in mm) and on the Y axis I have the measured distance. A
perfectly straight line would repersent perfect measurements. In order to test
repeatability, I conducted 2 different tests as seen with the green and blue lines
on the graph.
Finally, I also tested the ranging time to be 1706 microseconds utilizing the following code:
The next step was to solder and attach an additional time of flight
sensor to my system:
In order to get this working in software I connected (temporarily) a
wire between
the XSHUT pin on my left ToF sensor and the GPIO_8 pin on my artemis. This allows me
to shutdown one of the sensors change the others address before
reenabling the first sensor and allowing my two sensors to work in parallel
Getting the code to run quickly is very important, this means that our
sensor data must come in as fast as possible. Here I include code that rapidly
prints the artemis clock and at the same time prints ToF data from the two sensors
when they are available. My loop runs at 8 ms per iteration. The limiting
factor is definitely the sensor as shown in the picture. Below I included a picture
of the reuslts as well as the code:
Here we record time-stamped ToF data for 5 seconds and send it to a
computer using bluetooth. I edited the bluetooth code from lab 2 by adding a command
for the ToF sensor. The code as well as a graph of a run is shown below. For the
graph I only included timestamps with information from both sensors. The X axis is
time in miliseconds and the Y axis is distance in milimeters.
The goal of this part is to connect the Artemis board to an inertial measurement unit sensor through a QWIIC connector and test the functionality of thes sensors. After that we will get our robot battery connected and finally get our robot up and running.
This part included completing the following tasks:
Using these equations for pitch and roll:
I recorded a test below showing the output at {-90, 0, 90} degrees (value 2
= pitch,
value 3 = roll). I have found the values to be extremely accurate with a
2.35 degree difference from the expected value
One key fact noted earlier, and one clearly seen in the above
video, is
that the accelerometer data contains a lot of noise when moving. This noise
would be
amplified even
further when running the RC car in its vicinity. I collected 106 samples of
21.2 mhz
data by sending information over bluetooth. I analyze this noise through a
fourier transform. I include fft data for both pitch and roll, I
include the code I used to generate the FFT graphs based on the provided
Looking at the data, there dosent seem to
be much of a frequency spike which is a
result of a low pass filter on the chip by default (according to the
Using these equations for pitch, roll, and yaw:
I recorded a test below showing the output of the gyroscope (value 2 =
value 3 = roll, value 4 = yaw). I found that increasing the sampling
frequency led
to more
accurate results. I increased the final sampling frequency by a factor of 10
then a
factor of 100 to test this. I have found the values to be less noisy than
the equivalent measurements from the accelerometer but after increasing the
frequency and adding movement, the
gyroscope quickly suffers from drift. Drift causes the error to quickly
to the point where the value drifts away from the expected value
significantly. This
isnt seen in
accelermoter data.
We can remedy our above problem by implementing a complementary filter
This combines data from the accelerometer and the gyroscope to produce both
and stable data. The implementation for the filter is shown below:
As can be seen below, the complimentary filter is a smashing success. My
values are now usable with no drift or real noise to worry about.
After speeding up the code by removing all serial print
statements and
skipping any iterations where data wasnt ready, I was able to get to sample
my IMU
at a
frequency of 29 ms.
After this I created a notification handler to collect timestamped IMU data
store it in an array.
Finally, I capture both my IMU and ToF sensor data with the
command. I chose to seperate the data into their own arrays as the ToF data
severly bottleneck my IMU data. Using a simmilar structure to my above code
I am
able to capture both IMU and ToF data.
With my current rate of 64 hz of sampling for IMU data (14 bytes each) and 7
sampling of ToF
data (6 bytes each). With the arduino having 393216 bytes on board this
means I can
store data for 960 seconds before my memory is full.
To prevent noise disturbance, I utilize different batteries
for the
motors and the electronics connected to the Artemis. I use a smaller
battery for my electronics and a bigger 850mAh one for my motors so I
wont have
to charge the battery as often. I soldered JST connectors to the 650mAh
battery so I
can connect it to the Artemis as shown below:
Playing with the car made me realize just how jittery it is. The robot moves very fast and sometimes the commands lag. Attempting to turn is very hard as the robot seems to overturn most of the time. I crashed the robot several times.
I recorded again this time with the Artemis. This is a
picture of
the robot all connected:
And here is a video and a graph of data taken from the robot.
The goal of this part is to convert the RC car to a computer controlled robot using the artemis. This rquires the addition of two motor controllers to our board
This part included completing the following tasks:
In order to use the Oscilloscope I hooked up the power
supply and
oscilliscope as shown below:
I utilized the below code to test the functionality of the boards:
Changing only the PWM signal from 100 to 200 I was able to
generate these two graphs
enusring my motor drivers worked and I could manipulate the duty cycle.
I performed a spin test to make sure my robots wheels and motors were
functional. I was able to use the code below to produce the motors spinning as
intended in the
video below
After fully wiring the robot as shown below:
I was able to run the robot on the ground:
I found that a PWM value of 45 was the lowest possible value for the car to move forward and on axis turn.
In order to get my motor to spin at the same rate I had to find a callibnration factor. After testing a multitude of values I found that a ratio of 1.25 right/left side worked the best. I tested this by making the robot follow a piece of tape for 7 feet and evaluating if it could follow the line. Here you can see my robot running in a straight line after calibration.
Finally I used open loop control to manuever my robot with
the code
below and produced the video below using the corresponding code:
With my robot all wired up I decided to implement a fundamental control algorithm: PID control
For an interactive task like PID control a good debugging system is
essential. I implemented functions in
arduino that would allow the robot to store all of the data on board in
a matrix of values during the PID control. I then implemented functions in python
that would allow editing of PID values on the fly and a handler to recieve
all of the data from my artemis after the PID loop completes.
Finally the data is graphed to ensure proper functionality. I utilized the below
code to complete the described tasks
This lab included completing the following tasks:
Using an additional "bound speed" method to make sure I dont go to slow (where my
robot wont
move) or too fast (where my robot will crash), I include the
code below for my PID controller:
To test I had my robot run towards a
wall and stop 1 foot away (300 mm). I include all three trials and their graphs
(speed and distance) below. Throughout my tasks I have found my top tested speed to
be about 1.7 m/s using my collected TOF data to calculate.
Trial 1:
Trial 2:
Trial 3:
The next step was to implement a way to complete our turns. Open loop is off the table as my robot rarely does the same thing every time I command it. On top of battery levels, my robot also seemed to just have inconsistent turns where open loop would just compound error. Previously, I planned to use angular speed control for mapping out turns. I found this to be extremely untrustworthy for getting a precise angle (in my post processing code I would cut out angles past 360 degrees). So I decided to implement orientation control. With some simple testing, I found this to be a much better solution than open loop or angular speed control
The primary objective of this part is to fuse data from the gyroscope and inertial measurement unit (IMU) on my robot to create a map of a static room.
This part involved completing the following tasks:
To make the robot spin, I utilized angular speed control, taking advantage of the PID controller I had previously developed in for position control. The following code snippet demonstrates how I implemented angular speed control on the robot:
After several experiments with different parameters, I found that a PWM value of 130, a P value of 1.9, and running my PID control for 11.6 seconds produced a slow enough turn rate for adequate sampling from the TOF sensor. Despite some initial challenges with the right side wheels being looser than the left, resulting in a large turning radius, I was able to correct this a bit with a compensating factor. However, even with the factorintroduced my behavior was inconsistent even within the same turn. This called for multiple samples for a decent result. Despite these issues, I was told that it wouldn't severely affect the lab results, so I proceeded with the tasks.
Given the inconsistency in my robot's
dynamics, I decided to combine gyroscope and TOF data for creating my graphs. I
implemented the following Python code and obtained the resulting graphs.
The next task was to convert my points from polar to Cartesian coordinates using the code below
The final task was to convert the readings
into a line-based map to make it compatible with our simulator. After correcting for
my sensor angle and distance offset as well as the direction I took my measurements
I made a map to validate my results.
My results werent the greatest so I checked out my TOF sensor data and discovered it gives me a wide spread of data points even when stationary. With a worst case variance up to 600mm for objects at the exact same spot. Since my TOF sensor worked well previously, I hypothesize that this is a result of smashing my time of flight sensor repeatedly into the wall attemping to tune my PID control. If I were to go back I would 100% 3D print shielding for my sensor and save myself the headache. Along with my inconsistent turn radius which led edge values to be inconsistenly really close sometimes.
The goal here is to combine my mapping along with a bayes filter to implement localization in a static room.
This involved completing the following tasks:
The first step is to compute the control based on the change in
odometry poses:
Utilizing the below equtions from class we can produce the following code using
numpys built in math function "atan2" and "sqrt". Converting to degrees was
necessary to make the units consistent:
The next step is the Odometry Motion Model. Here we utilize the current
and previous pose in addition to the control information to output the probability
the robot is in a certain state. We first use the previous "compute control"
function to determine the control action. We then use a gaussian distribution as our
probability function while we estimate if that action was succesful:
Next is the predction step. We use this step to update our beliefs
based on our previous beleifs and our odometry motion model. We iterate through
positions (with the nested for loops) and disregard any negligible cells (cells with
< 0.0001 belief). For non negligible cells we update our beleifs. Finally we must
normalize as its a probability distribution.
We can produce the following code to implement the desired behavior:
The next step is to compute the probability that our sensor readings
were correct. For each pose we evaluate the probability of the sensor readings based
on the observations of our latest movements with a guassian and append it to a list
of all the probabilties in qustion:
Finally we go through each pose and update the probability of our
beliefs by using the values
computed in our sesor model. We update these beliefs and normalize
(since its a probability):
The next step was to implement localization
code from lab 9 into the "perform_observation_loop". I had to slightly edit my data
to get it into the correct format for the given localization code. I needed to
repersent my vector as a numpy array, sample 18 values from my data, and invert my
list (as my robot goes counterclockwise).
The issue is that this code does not perform
as well as I needed for localization with my points constantly being on the
opposiute corners of the map. The robot should have been at the point (5,-3) but it
localizes on the other side at (5, 3):
In order to remedy this I had to work towards making my robot spin slower, after modifying my tape (the grey duck tape isnt sticky enough) and using the right battery level I was able to get the almost perfect results shown in the next section:
The last task was to give my new beleifs at
every point. Using my new code I recieved the following at the points (5,3), (5,
-3), (0, 3), and (-3, -2) respectively:
I found that all my results were pretty accurate and only about ~1 square off. I attribute this to the fact that my spin isnt perfectly on axis even with my modifications.
The goal of this part is to add object detection capabilities to my robot. This involved finetuning a YOLOv5 model on a custom dataset I took of stuffed animals
The part consisted of the following tasks:
To create the dataset, I first collected images using the iPhone 12's camera. These
images were of different objects we planned to detect, including stuffed animals
such as Bob-ombs, Goombas, and Peach. This was done in a variety of environments and
conditions to create a more comprehensive and challenging dataset. After capturing
the images, I manually annotated them, drawing bounding boxes around the objects of
interest and labelling them accordingly. Because I only took around 1.5k images I
employed data augmentation techniques to significantly bolster the dataset employing
various image transformations.
The collected dataset was then used to train the YOLOv5 model. I chose to use the
YOLOv5 model because of its balance between speed and accuracy, and because it's
lightweight enough to run on my hardware. The model was trained using a RTX 2070
SUPER. I finetuned the model on the custom dataset and performed several iterations
of training, tuning the hyperparameters for optimal performance. Our performance
metric was primarily object detection accuracy, but speed of detection was also an
important factor given our real-time requirements.
After training, I utilized a webcam to provide real-time
input to the model. I conducted multiple trials for each task and tuned the model
until I saw consistent successes. The success rate varied per task, with Peach
being the most successful and Goomba being the least. Through this iterative
process, I was able to identify and correct issues with the
predictions such as not enough variety of lighting or lack of detections from
certain angles. Based on the F1 curve shown below
as well as informal qualatative tests. the detection ended up being pretty accurate.
In this final part, I will use a combination of PID control and detection implemented in previous parts to make my robot detect and perform manuevers based on different objects.
This part involved completing the following tasks:
This game employed the following strategy: